Есть официальная тема вопрос-ответ
[SPOILER='Перечень вопрос и ответов]
Hello, everyone!
It seems that you have quite a lot of questions, which is perfectly understandable, so we did our best to gather the most frequent ones and answer them.
Q: When the game will be released?
A: The exact release date will be announced after completing most of internal tests. The preliminary date of server start is set to December, 15th.
Q: The button never loads to complete preorder. It keeps spinning.
A: Most likely it means that the service is not be available in your region. Please consult User Agreement to check it.
Q: What is this "promo code for 2 weeks", some kind of code that friends can join with some special price?
A: No, activating a promo code will add 14 days of subscription. You can use it to share it with your friend.
Q: When I'll be able to invite someone via promo-code? Will that someone be able to start a week earlier like me through pre-order?
A: Promo code also grants early access, so you will be able to start together with your friend. You will be able to activate the code a few days before the early access starts.
Q: Did anyone get the confirmation mail after pre-purchase? Cuz i did not...
A: Check out Spam folder. If you have not received the confirmation letter at all, you will find your promo code on the pre-order page. Some users may not find it yet, but we will fix it the next week. In any case, you will not lose your promo code.
Q: What is Agathion - Uthanka? Does it have stats or abilities or is it just cosmetic for now?
A: It is just a cosmetic item.
Q: For how long will preorders be avaliable?
A: Pre-orders will be closed shortly before the server start.
Q: Will there be gift certificates on Classic in Europe?
A: So far we do not plan to introduce this function for European services.
Q: Server name?
A: We will hold a voting to choose it.
Q: Why can't i preorder without getting my account control center filled with my name and surname? No anonymous preorders?
A: It is required for safety reasons and to curb black market of accounts.
Q: Are funds on ru.4game site usable on eu.4game and if no, can they be transferred somehow?
A: European and Russian 4game platforms have different billing systems, so you cannot transfer funds between them.
Q: Are preorders are limited in amount or not?
A: No, there are no limitations.
Q: What will be the monthly fee?
A: One month subscription fee will be 10 Euro.
Q: Are 7 days of early access added to your subscription?
A: No, they are not. Subscription will be activated automatically at the moment Lineage 2 Classic is released.
Feel free to ask your further questions regarding the pre-orders in this thread.[/SPOILER]