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L2Tower - PvPSuite 2.0

29 Сен 2015
Плагин для L2Tower. Раньше стоил 15 евро. Может кому-то пригодиться :hz:
Огромное количество различных фишек для пвп. Автоматически разворачивает персонажа лицом при атаке ножей, возвращает назад снятое оружие, анти-фир, показывает эквип, анти-хайд, радар, счетчик дамага (полезно на олимпе) и т.д.

Установка: Закинуть файл в папку l2tower/plugins
В игре ввести в чат /p /pvpsuite
Полный список команд /cmds

Anti Deadly
Your character will turn its front on deadly blow!

Anti Backstab
Your character will turn its front on backstab!

Anti Lethal
Your character will turn its front on lethal!

Anti Dual Blow
Your character will turn its front on dual blow!

Anti Disarm
Your character will re-equip its latest weapon once a disarm buff goes off, no matter what!

Anti Target Loss
Your character will fast retarget after switch/mirage/trick etc..

Auto SS(S-Grade)
Automatically enables S-Grade soulshots and spiritshots!

Barrier Fix
L][Tower will be paused while you're on barrier skill so it won't get it off with using potions/skills etc..

Don't Run(Fear Skills)
Your character won't run from fear skills using /unstuck method.

Auto Detection(AoE)
Your character will cast an AoE skill while a nearby enemy casts Hide.

Interrupt E. Heal(Archers Only)
Your character will use Stun Shot while your target casts Elemental Heal, if atkspd is enough will interrupt it.

Auto Riposte Stance
Automatically activates Riposte Stance when an enemy will cast a various debuff(checks 50+ debuffs) on you, deactivates Riposte Stance when the debuff is casted. Contact me for any various debuff missing.

Auto Self Cleanse
Automatically cleanses yourself once a debuff is found upon you!

Auto PT Resurrection
Automatically resurrects dead party members.

Aggro Bot
Continuously uses Aggresion on the targeted enemy! Quick Command: /ab!

Informs you(PM style) when your target casts various skills like Enlightenment, UDs, Counterattack and more!

Informs you(PM style) when chance/cert skills are triggered on your target!

Informs you(PM style) about your target buff skills like Appetite of Destruction, Protection Instinct or LvL3 skills(and their level) like Spirit of Phoenix, Pain of Shillien etc..

Informs you(PM style) when your target casts active augment skills.

Mass Informer
Informs you(PM style) while your target and his/her clan/ally members(in a fixed range) cast various skills and buffs!

All Informers
All informers together without any check.

Party Informer(Skills)
Informs your party(#) when your target casts various skills like Enlightenment, UDs, Counterattack and more!

Party Informer(Chance/Cert)
Informs your party(#) when chance/cert skills are triggered on your target!

Party Informer(Buffs)
Informs your party(#) about your target buff skills like Appetite of Destruction, Protection Instinct or LvL3 skills(and their level) like Spirit of Phoenix, Pain of Shillien etc..

Party Informer(Augments)
Informs your party(#) when your target casts active augment skills.

A Better Assist
ABA is an assist system created after a friendly request, it won't assist the main assister while is on aggro, will cancel target while MA does or while the target is dead.

Informer(Not Assisting)
Informs you(PM style) when your party members are not assisting you.

Informs you(PM style) when your party members are way far from you.

Near Supporters
Get a list(dialog style) with near enemies that have a supporter class(Cardinal, Judicator etc..) their clan and a click to target button.

Inform Name/Clan/Class
Informs you(PM style) when you'll join olympiad about your opponent's name, clan(if any) and class!

Olympiad Informer
Informs you(PM style) when any near player{big range) casts various skills. Should be used only inside Olympiad.

Interrupt Talismans
If your target will cast any various talisman skills, your character will use a target cancelling skill to interrupt them.

Near Players
Get a list(dialog style) with all the near players, their clan and a click to target button.

Damage Counter
Get a dialog with done and received damage and options to get auto-informed about it! Should work on official systems and on most of the custom systems too! Safest option is "Show PM Each Minute" and manually(or macro) "/dc" , otherwise you could get camera stuck..

Target Teleport
If your target teleports, it informs you(PM style) its teleport location.

Class On Title
Enable this option and everyone's title will be set to their class.

A colorful radar to show you near players in a range of 1500, click "i" to get more info about player and ">" to target.

Radar(PK/War/PvP Only)
A colorful radar to show you near PK/War/PvP players in a range of 3500, click "i" to get more info about player and ">" to target. Quick Command: /rp

Target Equipment
Get information about your targets equipment from helmet, armor, head accessories to weapon enchant and talismans!

Last 10 Targeters
Get a list with the last 10 no friendly players who targetted you and the exact time.

Auto Message On Kill
Set a message and a chat and each time a targeted enemy dies your character will say this message on the selected chat!

Copycat does repeat everything a person says on general chat.

Tic Tac Toe
Yes, its the game! Wanna player? If your opponent has PvPSuite you can both play with dialogs, otherwise your opponent will play through party!

Type a video name and press play! Your default browser will pop-up and a video on YouTube will start playing! Also if a friend of you have PvPSuite you can send him instantly a video!

Send Encrypted Message
Allows you to send an encrypted message that can only be read by someone who have PvPSuite.

Flashing Title(Fast)
Makes your title flash with a fast speed!

Flashing Title(Slow)
Makes your title flash with a slow speed!

Moving Title
Makes your title move from the right to the left!

Connection Checker
Pings google.com and returns the ping ms and your connection state in-game!

Random Quote
Click this button, select a chat and your character will say a random quote!

Interesting stats for all the time you got PvPSuite running on the current character!

Reverse counting, good for 1vs1 PvP.

Screen Informer(Skills) (L2T Premium)
Informs you(Screen message) when your target casts various skills like Enlightenment, UDs, Counterattack and more!

Screen Informer(Chance/Cert) (L2T Premium)
Informs you(Screen message) when chance/cert skills are triggered on your target!

Screen Informer(Buffs) (L2T Premium)
Informs you(Screen message) about your target buff skills like Appetite of Destruction, Protection Instinct or LvL3 skills(and their level) like Spirit of Phoenix, Pain of Shillien etc..

Screen Informer(Augments) (L2T Premium)
Informs you(Screen message) when your target casts active augment skills.

Cancel Snipe(Dash) (L2T Premium)
Cancels snipe buff when you use dash.

Spy Hide (L2T Premium)
If your target hide and then unhide you'll get a quest mark pointing on his unhide location!

Spam Chat(No CB) (L2T Premium)
Allows you to spam General/Shout/Trade chat using a friendly interface, still in development.

Ultimate Zoom (L2T Premium)
Patches client for ultimate zoom.

Boost Video (L2T Premium)
Patches client for bigger memory usage.

Wallhack (L2T Premium)
Enable/Disable wallhack.

Radii (L2T Premium)
Show/Hide a red thing around objects(players/npcs).

Fog (L2T Premium)
Show/Hide fog.

Staticmeshes (L2T Premium)
Show/Hide staticmeshes.

Terrain (L2T Premium)
Show/Hide terrain.

FPS (L2T Premium)
Show/Hide FPS.

Net Stats (L2T Premium)
Show/Hide Net Stats.

Random PM Command
Each time you login a Random PM Command is generated, you can pm this Random PM Command to yourself and PvPSuite menu will pop-up.
You can also pm you self with the word "p" or "pvpsuite" for same results.

IG Documentation
Enables/Disables In-Game Documentation(IGD). IGD allows you to view a brief description under each button for what it does.

Contact Info
Shows a dialog with contact information.

Shows a dialog including changes from previous versions

Shows a dialog with all the PvPSuite commands.

Creator's Pick
Enables some PvPSuite options based on how I've used PvPSuite with your class before. Good for starters or new chars.

Check Updates
Opens a link on your default browser where you can see if there is an newer version available.

Pause PvPSuite
Pauses all PvPSuite actions.

Crash Client
Instantly crashes client.

Loading/Saving System
This system saves and loads your preferences on each char, almost any option on PvPSuite can be enabled/disabled and its saved upon exit. Preferences are loaded for every char you log in and each char has its own personal preferences.

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  • PvPSuite.rar
    33.7 KB · Просмотры: 615
радар как этот
Классная тема, а есть у кого еще какие наборы скриптов? Бот классный, удобный, но стандартного набора явно не хватает.
Странно, л2тауэром еще пользуются. Он же только под офф. платформу, верно ?
@iMxO, Работает много где и самое главное постоянно обновляется. Ни разу за него не банили пока что :pandaredlol:
Для сг, помоему уже не актуален... Защита палит сразу
L2tower ни одну из защит. Даже метод инжекта с внедрением 5ти dll работает только на ПТС с устаревшей защитой cliext.
@TommyVersace, Инжектиться он везде без проблем просто очень мало скриптов и модулей на него!!! Да и Русская поддержка очень плохая!
@CEBEP, с товером много банов получил, не успев даже поботить, зайти не получается.
CEBEP написал(а):
@TommyVersace, Инжектиться он везде без проблем просто очень мало скриптов и модулей на него!!! Да и Русская поддержка очень плохая!
Ру поддержки как таковой нет. Инжектится он может и без проблем, но на смарте не работает, а большинство серверов его и используют.