Can anyone help me to run a another interface in this server .
When i try to run with original interface.u interface.xdat i got this error
General protection fault!
History: NCHtmlFrame::GetMaxHeight <- NCHtmlViewer::GetFrameHeight <- UHtmlHandle::execGetFrameMaxHeight <- UObject:
rocessEvent <- (TutorialViewerWnd Transient.TutorialViewerWnd, Function Interface.TutorialViewerWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:2430, param:HtmlString= ModuleName=CustomClanMemberStats Id=4 Content=010010 <- NConsoleWnd::ReceiveTutorialShowHtml <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=TutorialShowHtm <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
When i try to run with original interface.u interface.xdat i got this error
General protection fault!
History: NCHtmlFrame::GetMaxHeight <- NCHtmlViewer::GetFrameHeight <- UHtmlHandle::execGetFrameMaxHeight <- UObject: